Friday, 15 June 2012

Responses of IITs to the IIT JEE Changes

1.    IIT Guwahati
·          accepts the original proposal (Boards: 40%, Mains – 30%, Advanced – 30%).
·         Original proposal from 2014
2.    IIT Madras
·          Preferred Option is Boards + Mains to be used as screening; Advanced as proposed only to be used for ranking : THE COMPROMISE PROPOSAL.
·         Second Option is the original proposal but with a change of weights: (Boards: 20%, Mains – 40%, Advanced – 40%)
·         No mention of year; 2013 apparently OK for both options
3.    IIT Kharagpur
·         Does not specify what model is preferred
·         Implies that the original proposal will be acceptable after two years (2014) provided:
                                          i.    This should be seen as allowing others to use the IIT JEE exam
                                        ii.    So IITs are to have complete control over the examinations
                                       iii.    Common Core Syllabus in PCM across Boards must be ensured (already agreed by COBSE)
                                       iv.    Alternatives to percentile ranking for Board marks are to be explored
·         2014
4.    IIT Roorkee
·         Boards (40%) + Mains (60%) to be used as screening
·         Separate Descriptive Test to be held later which alone will decide the ranks.
·         Semester start to be delayed to early September
·         No mention of year; 2013 apparently OK
5.    IIT Bombay
·         Board Marks as cut-off only
·         First Exam: Main only, as screening
·         Second Exam: for IITs only; To be a Descriptive Test
·         Inclusion of Board Marks in results to be reviewed later.
·         2014 (recommendation)
6.    IIT Kanpur
·         Board Marks as cut-off for 2014; no comment on after 2014;
·         First Exam: Main only, as screening but after confirmation by IITK Senate in July 2013.
·         Second Exam: for IITs only. Format not specified.
·         2014
7.     IIT Delhi
·         Board Marks as cut-off only
·         First Exam: Main only, as screening
·         Second Exam: for IITs only; May be a Descriptive Test
·         2014

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